avings tips for the holidays

Everyone wants to be able to relax and have fun when the holidays come and we want to do it without having to worry about our finances.

In this article, we are going to give you some important tips on what you need to do in order to save money for the summer holidays to enjoy a good break without any concerns in regards to your finances.

1-Save your loose change daily

We always have loose change in our pockets from daily purchases or at the very least from weekly purchases. Start saving all of your spare change and put it in a piggy bank. You will be surprised at how much you can save by the time the summer arrives.

2-Try op-shops

Forget the department stores and start buying clothes at these stores that are usually filled with incredibly good items that are sold for a very low cost.

3-Skip the gym

Who says you can’t workout without going to the gym? You can get a jump rope for cardio and you can also jog outside. If you need to lift weights, just fill a backpack with sand and do bodyweight workouts. There is no need for a gym to stay fit.

4-Look for holiday deals

Go online and look for the best discounts and deals that you can find for the holidays. You are bound to find very sweet deals on plane tickets and hotels if you book early.

5-Grow your food

Well, maybe not all of it, but you could start planting vegetables in your backyard and you will be surprised how much fun it is and how quickly you could have food on your table from your very own garden.

6-Save on petrol

Your car is great when you need to travel long distances, but there is no need to use it when you need to go to a close location. Walk or ride a bike and the bonus plus is that you will also be able to enjoy a good workout.

7-Host a garage sale

Check your home for all the things you no longer use but are still worth selling and host a garage sale. You might just have enough things for sale to make the next holiday great.

8-Consolidate your debts to save money.

Sometimes it’s easy to save money by using debt consolidation loans to save on interest and fees. Look for companies that have very transparent fees and stay away from banks with pages of confusing fine print.

9-Pick up a bargain at the stocktake or post-Christmas sales

Maybe you have not been able to save enough for your holidays, but you really don’t want to miss out on a special bargain at the stocktake or post-Christmas sales. When you’re getting great discounts, sometimes up to 50% maybe a short-term loan would suit your needs. Check out www.koalaloans.com.au for some great unsecured loan options.


Holidays are a great time for you to unwind and relax. This is one of the reasons why you should do your best to make sure that you invest in being able to enjoy your holidays so that you go back fresh and ready for work. You will be amazed at how much more you enjoy your work after you have taken the time to recharge your batteries.